- Matches similar pictures of objects
- Sorts shapes
- Completes 3-piece puzzle
- Stacks rings in correct order
- Points to larger or smaller of two spoons
- Understands concept of two
- Sorts colors and points to several colors when named
- Identifies longer stick
- Understands all common verbs and common adjectives
- Engages in short dialogues
- Uses language in imaginative way
- Provides descriptive details
- Links unrelated ideas and story elements
- Begins to include articles and word endings
- Understands four prepositions
- Role plays in pretend games such as: mom, dad, teacher
- Shows independence
- Begins to obey and respect simple rules
- Pulls pants down with assistance
- Dresses self with help
- Pulls pants up with assistance
- Wipes nose with assistance
- Pours liquid from small container
- Uses toilet with assistance
- Washes and dries hands
- Buttons large buttons
- Stands on one foot without support
- Walks up and down steps, alternating feet
- Draws or copies vertical lines
- Cuts with small scissors