- Plays peek-a-boo
- Follows trajectory of fast moving objects
- Looks for family members or pets when named
- Retains two or three objects
- Turns head and shoulders to find hidden sound
- Imitates familiar and new gesture
- Initiates vocalization
- Different vocalizations for different states
- Recognizes familiar people
- Reciprocal social games (peek-a-boo, pat a cake)
- Imitates familiar sounds and actions
- Cries when parent leaves
- Reduplicative babbling (baba, mama)
- Attracts attention by vocalizing
- Shakes head “no”
- Waves “bye”
- Indicates requests clearly
- Coordinates actions between adults and objects
- Reaches for familiar person
- Plays social games (peek-a-boo)
- Plays patty cake
- Shows anxiety over separation from mother
- Smiles at mirror image
- Extends toy to show others
- Explores environment
- Shows like and dislike for certain people, objects, places
- Holds own bottle
- Feeds self a cracker
- Picks up spoon by handle
- Crawls around on hands and knees
- Goes from sitting to prone
- Lowers to sitting from standing
- Cruises, walks around furniture or crib while holding on
- Picks up small objects; precise thumb and finger grasp